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Price Information: Open-High-Low-Close-OHLC
To accurately read the market, you only need four pieces of information: the Open, the High, the Low and the Close Price.
e to reflect — ðàññìàòðèâàòü
The Open Price
This is the price at which the first trade for the day takes place. Both buyers and sellers have had time to reflect upon the markets close on the previous day. Their perceptions will affect whether the stock opens higher or lower the next day. The subsequent price holds the clue as to which side of the market is the more dominant force — the buyers or the sellers.
The High Price
This refers to the highest price at which the security has traded that day. It is at this point that buyers decide not to push the price up any higher or alternatively, when sellers have gained control. If the high is at or near the opening of the day, that is a sign that the sellers have been the dominant force. If the high occurs near the end of the trading session and the open was near the low of the day, the buyers have had control.
u: 'clue — îòâåò
to occur to gain control

ñëó÷àòüñÿ — óñòàíàâëèâàòü êîíòðîëü
The Low Price
This refers to the lowest price at which the security has
traded that day. At this point the sellers have decided not to accept a lower price or alternatively, when buyers have gained or regained control of the market.
If the low is near the opening of that day, that is a sign that
the buyers have been the dominant force. If the low is near the close of the day, that is a sign that the sellers are keen to sell and that therefore they have been in control.
The Close Price

The close is also sometimes called the sentiment. It is the
price at which the security is trading at the end of the day. This is the most watched price in analysis as it is seen as the final judgement on who won the day between the buyers and the sellers.
If the close is at or near the high of the day and the opening was near the low, it points toward a day of buying. An intra day chart would also reveal that prices were probably in an upward trending mode all day.
If the close is halfway between the high and low irrespective of the open, that is interpreted as the market being evenly divided. That is, that the buying power was balanced by the selling pressure.
to be keen
— áûòü çàèíòåðåñîâàííûì
— íàñòðîåíèå

to win the day
— äîáèòüñÿ ïîáåäû
'irrespective of
— íåçàâèñèìî îò

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