Ex 1. Match the nouns


Ex 1. Match the nouns in the left-hand column to the verbs in right-hand column and make up sentences.

to determine
reversal p.
to identify
continuation p.
to move out of
large p.
to move into
small p.
to be (in) complete
trend (line)
to reverse
to end
down t.
to establish
to be in tact
sideways t.
to be reversed
prevailing t.
to be in place
intra-day t.
to be evident
multi-year t.
to turn into
strong t.

weak t.

full t.

bear t.

long-term t.

short-term t.

to push/fall
open p.
to move up (down)
to go
low p.
to trend up (down)
close p.
rally to
watched p.
to climax
subsequent p.
to peak
lower p.
go sideway
higher p.
to retrace 50%
price target
to shift from down trend to up trend

to gain control

to regain

to rise on strong volume

to bounce off the support line

to turn down

to climb back but fail

to close to...

to close below...

to settle below...
to increase
to decrease
high v.
to fall
strong v.
to rise
weak v.
to decline
declining v.

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